
Research collaboration with Conor Wilson and Bruce McLean

A day of collaborative ceramic work at Bath Spa University's Sion Hill site in the summer of 2018
A research project by Dr Conor Wilson, Bath Spa University's course leader in MA Design: Ceramics, sought to document part of the space occupied for many years by the successful Ceramics workshops at the Sion Hill site in Bath, before relocation to a new site at Locksbrook Road.

The research took the form of a collaborative day of ceramics-making with three participants: the Scottish, performance artist and painter, Bruce McLean, the research academic Conor Wilson and the Technical Demonstrator and practicing ceramicist Richard Winfield.

The intentions and outcomes of this work were very loosely defined. What perhaps started out as a project to produce a finished ceramic 'wtiness', ended up as a videod, transcribed and discussed interaction between three people with differing artistic. social and personal values. The material work consisted of the decoration of three sets of large clay tile panels using a simple set of three coloured slips. The work was recorded using three video cameras and a sound-recorder, so that a record of creation and communication would be made.

The work was presented at a research symposium on 31st October 2020. It is proposed that the method used highlighted some of the unspoken issues and conflicts which beset any serious creator of material-based work, by bringing those aspects forward as bones of contention between makers rather than within them.

Click here for an edited video of a part of the day's collaboration.